Design Build or New Construction
Whether it is a small project, a major renovation, or a new house. We provide full design-build services to take care of your project from beginning to end. Most home owners want design direction and do not have the time to hire and manage separate architects, interior designers and contractors. Our integrated design-build approach allows our clients to benefit from a truly collaborative team working on their project. If this is you, our design-build service is the best option.
A thorough design process that leads to a fixed fee for construction is followed by expert coordination and attention to detail. The entire construction progress is managed and recorded in regular site meetings with the homeowners and team leaders. This is key to keeping everyone up to date on the schedule and progress. Final delivery of the project ends with an on-site orientation and is backed by a written full year warranty.
Our Design-Build Process
Assessing your needs
Establishing project priorities
Defining your personal style
Developing the design concept
Outlining a budget
Finish & color selections
Facilitating the submittal of permits
Establishing allowances
Managing construction schedules
Managing construction & punch-out
White-glove delivery & orientation
1-year warranty